
Penis Talk ~ With Your Hosts Sloas and Stroup


 The finale in the Urology trilogy.  In this episode Dr. Sean Stroup, CDR, USN, MC and I wrap-it-up with a series of "down-there" complaints (down-there does not imply that this episode is about Australians with grievances) with the most sensitive of subjects to any male patient, penile complaints, worries about the willie, persevering about the pee pee, jargon about the junk, etc.  Hold on to your hats....

The Disclaimer hasn't changed: if you think jokes about "shrinkage" are funny than please listen to the podcast, but if you find those offensive then skip this episode and I wish you all the best in your attempt to make it through your career without encountering another penis...again....ever.

iTunes Link

Podcast 12 - Penis Talk ~ With Your Hosts Sloas and Stroup

Urological Complaints Part 1 - The Painful Scrotum


"Rub your balls, squeeze your balls so you don't get cancer"  ~  Tom Green

Few things cause more pain for the patient and fear in the practitioner than scrotal discomfort in a child.  I sat down with my good friend and pee-pee doctor CDR Sean Stroup, MD USN at the National Naval Medical Center in sunny, beautiful, oh how I miss it: San Diego, to discuss painful ballular complaints.  Dr. Stroup is a fellowship trained urologist practicing on the west coast and sees a ton of children at the Naval Medical Center.  Disclaimer:  If you are offended by jokes about pee-pee, the scroti, or not wearing appropriate underwear than it is probably best to skip this episode.  No testicles were injured or neutered in the production of this podcast. 

iTunes Link

Podcast 10 - Urological Complaints Part 1: The Painful Scrotum